Monday, July 14, 2008

Knitting Update - Part I

So little time, so many projects to knit and blog about, so many e-mails to read = no blogging. I've been furiously knitting sample socks for my daughter's hand-dyed yarns. Folks seem to buy the yarn more readily if they can see a sample. So here are photos of the socks that I've knitted lately.
Chevron pattern. Hand-dyed yarn by Valley6222, Desert Sunset

Detail photo of Chevron pattern.
Koi socks from The Eclectic Sole. Opal yarn, wool/silk mixture, purchased from April Sosa E-Bay store. This yarn is not generally available in the US since it was part of Opal's quarterly subscription. I don't ask how she gets it and am quite sure she wouldn't tell me.

Detail section of pattern.

Slightly different Chevron pattern. Yarn hand-dyed by Valley6222. Color is Blue of M.

Short row sample. Color is again Blue of M.

Short row sock. Color is Larch based on the Larch trees in our area. Larch trees are the only fir-type trees which lose their needles in the winter. In summer they are green and in the Fall the needles turn golden.
Knit On!

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