Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bald Eagle Sighting

We almost collided with a bald eagle today.  We were driving west on US 10 close to the village of Baldwin, Michigan when 2 feet in front of us a bald eagle swooped down with claws extended.  It was an awesome sight.  The photo, of course, is not of the bald eagle we saw, but "borrowed" from Google images.  I hope he found his meal.  In researching it on the Internet, I found that a good no. of eagles in Michigan get killed in collisions with cars.  Who would have thought of this!


  1. Once in Germany, I came across a warning sign for frogs crossing, what about the same for bald eagles in some american areas....

  2. What a fortunat sighting! I would have been thrilled!

  3. Maybe you were the intended meal. You don't drive a Dodge Viper or VW Rabbit, do you?

  4. One time I almost had a hawk fly right in my car window. He was apparently after a mouse or chipmunk. Scared the bejesus out of me! Thank goodness he swerved up over my car roof (I was driving a VW fox at the time LOL)

  5. We seen the same Bald Eagle !!! I have 10 acres up in Baldwin and was up there for the 4th. On July 3rd we were driving to Reed Lake and my sister in law spotted a Bald Eagle on the side of the road. We turned around and sure enough. We pulled off right in front of it. I flew up and perched in a tree. We also were able to get a cell phone pic of it flying away. I will try to post it :)
